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Koushik S





Some people know their calling almost as soon as they are born. Some people realize it when they turn five – like Chef Koushik, or The Mad Chef. In fact, for him, the urge to cook and create was more than a passion: it was a compulsion.


Devouring Asterix and Obelix comics inspired his first cooking adventure. At theage of five, this champ went straight to attempting a Cheese Fondue. And got it right. There was no looking back.


School done, he went straight to IHM, Bangalore. He was in the right place at the right time. Indian diners were just beginning to explore new flavours and culinary experiences. Restaurants were THE ‘thing’. The Mad Chef was on a roll.


Small kiosks, wayside bakeries, fine dining restaurants, modern Indian, traditional South Indian, Pan Asian cuisine, casual diners sought him out. With over a couple of hundred projects worldwide under his belt, his magic at the stoves quickly became legendary.  


His signature recipes are bold and innovative, experimental, even, each, bringing out new yet harmonious tastes, exploding with personality, or gently unravelling subtle flavours, one after the other.


The Mad Chef’s forays into television have seen him on Masala Express and Thamizhagathin Samayal Champion on Jaya TV, as a Judge on Master Chef Tamil on Sun TV and as a visiting Judge on Cooku with Comali on Vijay TV.

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What he does on eatitude 


Building Award Winning Food & Beverage Brands. With years of experience and a proven track record, our motto is simple,

“Save Time, Save Money.”

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The Mad Chef On TV

The Mad Chef’s forays into television have seen him on Masala Express and
Thamizhagathin Samayal Champion on Jaya TV, as a Judge on Master Chef Tamil on Sun TV and as a visiting Judge on Cooku with Comali on Vijay TV.


Check What the World Says ?


“Koushik was not only a very creative person but also had an uncanny understandingof customer preferences and needs, due largely to his many years of experience in handling customers directly. So, he was a delightfully business friendly creativeperson - good at creativity that could set the cash registers ringing.”


KR Chandrasekaran

“Mr. Koushik Shankar came highly recommended through a TV show. He has the knack of knowing the taste buds of the public. Koushik stresses on the attention to detail at the same time provides the right amount of flexibility to maintain cost. It hasbeen a privilege working day and night with him to achieve our goals.”

Raghav Rajagopalan

Senior Specialist at Patni Life Sciences

Koushik to me always appeared to be very creative, enthusiastic and has the hungerfor learning. I am confident that he will go places and come out in flying colors inwhatever he does, primarily because of his sincerity, hard-work and dedication in his endeavors. He would be an asset to any organization he serves in whatever capacity.Good luck to him”

Muralidharan V

Advisor - Retail, Reliance Communications worked directly with Chef Koushik at Eatitude

“I remember Koushik vividly because he was far above his class, in his approach towards his future and career. While counselling him, I realised that he had planned his moves considering the prospects existing then. Now, I notice that he has made hiscareer in an area which gives him the sense of achievement.


Sridhar S.Thekkiam

Vice Principal, Army Institute of Hotel Management, Bangalore

Famous Recipes

Famous Recipes of Mad Chef

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